Thanks to our subsidiaries, we are active in the fields of biotechnology, medicines (particularly pediatrics), cancer immunology, diagnostics and innovative materials. We also support people with cancer or with disabilities, in particular children, in France and Madagascar, via our Corporate Foundation and our Endowment Fund, whose actions are fully incorporated into the strategy and governance of OCTALFA since 2008.
OCTALFA integrated philanthropic actions early in its entrepreneurial activities
OCTALFA claims an original business model guided by its initiatives, its ability to support, to undertake and to impact the projects in which it engages by mobilizing its resources: this is how we conceive and assume our role of entrepreneurs and responsible citizens. In this spirit, OCTALFA wishes to broaden the scope of its activities and to support industrial and artisanal know-how of excellence as well as social entrepreneurship.
companies founded or financed
of investment in companies
+ than 200
new jobs
Several innovative drugs
charity projects
+ than 30.000
France &